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Get A Data Science Job Course

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow with perfect knowledge, given your background and education, for how to accelerate your path to a data science job perfect for you?

When you purchase this product, you'll get three guides:

Guide 1: Data Science Getting Started Guide - This guide gives you several battle-tested fail-safe processes to figure out what kind of data science jobs appeal to you, what those jobs suggest you learn, and how to use the data you generate through the research to guide your path to becoming a data scientist.

Guide 2: Data Science Project Portfolio Guide - This guide gives you the complete how-to processes for creating the perfect data science project portfolio for your dream job. The guide gives you the run down of what you need to communicate, how you need to communicate, and what specific sections you need to include in your portfolio. You'll learn how to construct everything from the landing page to the nitty-gritty of how structure each project's write up to create the most compelling narrative for you. Hiring managers will love you and your data science project portfolio.

Guide 3: Data Science Resume Guide - This guide gives you specific, concrete, step-by-step processes on how to create a Data Science Resume and a Data Science Cover letter that will help you understand exactly what a Hiring Manager is looking for AND how you can stand out. The guide gives you the straight truth of what matters and what you can ignore so that your resume will seem so perfectly tailored to the role, the Hiring Manager can’t help but want to interview you! You'll learn to avoid common resume pitfalls that sabotage so many while staying on track by following a proven process.


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Get A Data Science Job Course

How would you feel if you woke up tomorrow with perfect knowledge, given your background and education, for how to accelerate your path to a data science job perfect for you?

When you purchase this product, you'll get three guides:

Guide 1: Data Science Getting Started Guide - This guide gives you several battle-tested fail-safe processes to figure out what kind of data science jobs appeal to you, what those jobs suggest you learn, and how to use the data you generate through the research to guide your path to becoming a data scientist.

Guide 2: Data Science Project Portfolio Guide - This guide gives you the complete how-to processes for creating the perfect data science project portfolio for your dream job. The guide gives you the run down of what you need to communicate, how you need to communicate, and what specific sections you need to include in your portfolio. You'll learn how to construct everything from the landing page to the nitty-gritty of how structure each project's write up to create the most compelling narrative for you. Hiring managers will love you and your data science project portfolio.

Guide 3: Data Science Resume Guide - This guide gives you specific, concrete, step-by-step processes on how to create a Data Science Resume and a Data Science Cover letter that will help you understand exactly what a Hiring Manager is looking for AND how you can stand out. The guide gives you the straight truth of what matters and what you can ignore so that your resume will seem so perfectly tailored to the role, the Hiring Manager can’t help but want to interview you! You'll learn to avoid common resume pitfalls that sabotage so many while staying on track by following a proven process.


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